

God I love Mignola’s work.
This started out as a spontaneous sketch using a new package I had discovered called “Tablet Draw”. It is a great little drawing program with a really nice Ink pen.

Hellboy beating on a Robo-ape. Yup, sounds about right.

Big Guns

This started out as just your basic hot chick sporting hardware.Over the course of the painting it evolved into an idea.

I always liked “The Punisher”, although I have to admit I am not well read on the series. The girl is my take on “The Punisher”.
The daughter of an assassinated President- out for revenge (hence the upside down flag).
She has to take on the govt to take down her families killer (the new President)- with a little help from some sympathetic secret service agents (where she get’s the guns). Winking

I used sketchbook-pro primarily with some photoshop help. I did the black ink line drawing first then layered the colours beneath. The tattoos and other details were a layer between the skin and the ink.

Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing.
I have always been a fan and was recently re-reading “Infernal Triangles”.
I remembered how much I loved the colour’s and the design of the melancholy monster.
I had an idea of him pondering his life, loves, and situation. A private moment where he is just plain bummed out.
Maybe it’s because I had the flu while working on this and was pretty miserable myself. Happy

Drawing & inking it drove me nuts. Colouring the damned veins was a Theraflu induced nightmare.
I’d love to do more “Swamp Thing” though- I just love the texture of him & his world.

Thankyou to Autodesk for finally releasing SBP 2011. It is awesome and crashes considerably less than the last release.

The Point!

The Point!
I’ve been playing around with this duo for years.

I always considered it to be a traditional comic size & 20+ pages long. After working on the “Golfer” series I started attempting to tell the fiction in traditional comic strip four frame bursts.
So far I’m enjoying developing it this way- maybe it will morph into something larger or die on the vine.
Either way I’m sure I’ll still be drawing these guys one way or another in twenty years (hopefully getting paid for it).

The character development and situations were drawn with blue pencil on paper. I then inked them in SBP and fabricated the strip in PS.

Batman vs Joker

Batman Vs Joker
The relationship between Batman & Joker has always interested me.
I always wanted to do a piece where Batman was losing his cool and beating the snot out of Joker.
As the idea evolved I gave the Joker a blade to make it more of a “fair” fight- kind of ripping off the final confrontation in “Dark Knight Returns” Happy
I played around with the composition with the intent of leading the eye from Joker getting hit by a very angry Batman to the Jokers blade, and subtle punctures in Batman torso.
I above all wanted them both to seem their own kind of crazy.

I used SBP and PS. Had some problems with image artifacts and weird hard edges appearing.
I think its a problem with too much back and forth between software. Meant I had to repaint some areas which sucked.
Regardless, I had a lot of fun doing this piece.
It’s no secret that I would love to do some comic work- here’s hoping that this gets me a cover somewhere someday.
- dream on right. Happy