
Captures & Calamities INK

This B&W illustration of the “Captures & Calamities” book cover was commissioned by Chris for a t-shirt.
I loooove working in black and white, and so was thrilled to do this.

Working in B&W got me salivating to do a comic……
I’m going to have to head to comic con with a sandwich board or something. Happy

Captures and Calamities


Captures and Calamities is a book cover commissioned by Christopher Kastensmidt for his “Elephant and Macaw banner” series.
This is the fourth book cover that I have done for him- and every time it gets more fun.
Check out his stuff here:


Big Monkey

Big Monkey
This guy was a quick ink sketch that I did for a concept a few years back called “Fallow”.
He is a guerilla who has been augmented and can speak.

I love black and white and I had a lot of fun doing this piece. I used SBP with a thin to fat brush alternating black and white ink.
Hopefully I will get to do more stuff like this.

The Kraken

While coming up with ideas for bosses in a horror game, I developed the idea of a Kraken attacking a ship on which you were a passenger.
The idea was unrealistic based on our limitations; but I got to paint it anyway.

This was painted in SBP referencing some great photos of octopus and old ships that I found online.
I wanted the palette to have a stormy and almost ”other-wordly” quality to it and so played around with the colours.
I do feel that I hit the airbrush a zoom a little too much...

Body Boss

This guy was a concept I had for a horror game that I was working on.
The final boss was created out of all of the bodies of your victims coming together to form a giant.
A giant made out of dead bodies...

The Fallen

I was just messing around with this painting. trying new stuff. A dark take on the scales of justice.
I found some great reference of a skeleton posed with fake wings, messed with it’s colors and then painted this guy.

I used SBP.

Giant hunter

I had an idea for a a painting where some guys were setting a trap for a giant.
After screwing around with it for a few days it just wasn’t working. So then I evolved my idea- what if it were the results of a failed attempt on a giant.
A guy being chased, running for his life, with only one arrow left.

I used SBP.

Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing.
I have always been a fan and was recently re-reading “Infernal Triangles”.
I remembered how much I loved the colour’s and the design of the melancholy monster.
I had an idea of him pondering his life, loves, and situation. A private moment where he is just plain bummed out.
Maybe it’s because I had the flu while working on this and was pretty miserable myself. Happy

Drawing & inking it drove me nuts. Colouring the damned veins was a Theraflu induced nightmare.
I’d love to do more “Swamp Thing” though- I just love the texture of him & his world.

Thankyou to Autodesk for finally releasing SBP 2011. It is awesome and crashes considerably less than the last release.