Digital Illustrations

Vampire Slayer

I wanted to experiment with a different inking style on this piece. So some parts of it work better than others…. Happy

Captures & Calamities INK

This B&W illustration of the “Captures & Calamities” book cover was commissioned by Chris for a t-shirt.
I loooove working in black and white, and so was thrilled to do this.

Working in B&W got me salivating to do a comic……
I’m going to have to head to comic con with a sandwich board or something. Happy

Angels and Airwaves ink sketch


This was the under sketch for the painting of the same name.
I used a custom fat to thick ink pen in studiopaint. The image is massive.

Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing.
I have always been a fan and was recently re-reading “Infernal Triangles”.
I remembered how much I loved the colour’s and the design of the melancholy monster.
I had an idea of him pondering his life, loves, and situation. A private moment where he is just plain bummed out.
Maybe it’s because I had the flu while working on this and was pretty miserable myself. Happy

Drawing & inking it drove me nuts. Colouring the damned veins was a Theraflu induced nightmare.
I’d love to do more “Swamp Thing” though- I just love the texture of him & his world.

Thankyou to Autodesk for finally releasing SBP 2011. It is awesome and crashes considerably less than the last release.

Big Guns

This started out as just your basic hot chick sporting hardware.Over the course of the painting it evolved into an idea.

I always liked “The Punisher”, although I have to admit I am not well read on the series. The girl is my take on “The Punisher”.
The daughter of an assassinated President- out for revenge (hence the upside down flag).
She has to take on the govt to take down her families killer (the new President)- with a little help from some sympathetic secret service agents (where she get’s the guns). Winking

I used sketchbook-pro primarily with some photoshop help. I did the black ink line drawing first then layered the colours beneath. The tattoos and other details were a layer between the skin and the ink.


God I love Mignola’s work.
This started out as a spontaneous sketch using a new package I had discovered called “Tablet Draw”. It is a great little drawing program with a really nice Ink pen.

Hellboy beating on a Robo-ape. Yup, sounds about right.

Oludara and the Dragon

Oludara & the Dragon
This is a piece I was commissioned to do by an old video-game associate of mine for a series of short stories he has created.
Oludara is an African dragon hunter who kills this particular beast through the cunning use of an elephant. It’s a great story that I suggest you check out at his site-

I used Sketch book pro to create the illo & had a great deal of fun doing it.

Magistrate General

Magistrate general
Concept that I was developing for a friend for a game/comic.
The Magistrate General is a supernatural character I created who would hunt down escaped slaves...

I used SBP.

Body Boss

This guy was a concept I had for a horror game that I was working on.
The final boss was created out of all of the bodies of your victims coming together to form a giant.
A giant made out of dead bodies...

Shanty town

Quick ink sketch that I did for the horror game I worked on last year. The Shanty town surrounds a slaughterhouse...
I used SBP using a couple of thin to thick brushes. I referenced shanty towns and industrial buildings.

Rider & Navigator

Rider & Navigator
Ink concept piece for an original game idea that we were developing. Cars being driven by guerillas... why not?
I used SBP with a thin to thick brush. It started out as a black & white piece; but wanted to get a little more depth so I added a couple of grays.

Shooting from the car

shooting from the car
Quick ink sketch for “Fallow”, using SBP.
Our heroes known as “Riders” would have vehicular duels and hang from cars as they tore up the terrain.


A couple of years back I was working on a horror game where we were attempting to come up with new and horrific boss encounters.
I was a big fan of the original “Wickerman” movie and had recently come across some fantastic photos of real wickermen.
I played around with the idea that these are massive effigies built from dead trees brought to life by dark magic.

This was a quick conceptual/mood piece done in SBP.


A few years back we were approached by WB to develop a new take on The Joker for a video game.
We played around with a dark malevolent, homicidal Joker- my favorite from his various DC interpretations.
This piece was used in the design pitch. This was all pre- “dark knight” movies. Happy

This was a quick ink sketch using SBP.


An environment idea for the horror game I worked on last year.
The premise is a slaughterhouse surrounded by a shanty town. The combination and proximity to one another seemed really creepy.

I used SBP.

Number 12

number 12
Another character from “Fallow”.Number 12 is a cigarette smoking, foul mouthed (with a French accent), former CIA hit-monkey...


Big Monkey

Big Monkey
This guy was a quick ink sketch that I did for a concept a few years back called “Fallow”.
He is a guerilla who has been augmented and can speak.

I love black and white and I had a lot of fun doing this piece. I used SBP with a thin to fat brush alternating black and white ink.
Hopefully I will get to do more stuff like this.