

A couple of years back I was working on a horror game where we were attempting to come up with new and horrific boss encounters.
I was a big fan of the original “Wickerman” movie and had recently come across some fantastic photos of real wickermen.
I played around with the idea that these are massive effigies built from dead trees brought to life by dark magic.

This was a quick conceptual/mood piece done in SBP.

The Kraken

While coming up with ideas for bosses in a horror game, I developed the idea of a Kraken attacking a ship on which you were a passenger.
The idea was unrealistic based on our limitations; but I got to paint it anyway.

This was painted in SBP referencing some great photos of octopus and old ships that I found online.
I wanted the palette to have a stormy and almost ”other-wordly” quality to it and so played around with the colours.
I do feel that I hit the airbrush a zoom a little too much...


Early on while designing a horror game I recently worked on we toyed around with what the hero could look like.
This guy was one of my first takes on him.
I found some awesome body builder reference online. The wrench just seemed to make sense- he is supposed to be homicidal.

Once again I used SBP, alternating from fat brushes and the airbrush tool and even a pencil.


An environment idea for the horror game I worked on last year.
The premise is a slaughterhouse surrounded by a shanty town. The combination and proximity to one another seemed really creepy.

I used SBP.

New Rik

Main character design for a game that I recently worked on.
I think I got a little obsessed with his damaged arm.
The idea behind the "guts" in his hand, is that he would rip parts off of an enemy and use it against them....
This was done entirely in SBP. I used reference from various cuts of meat, a “hulk” statue, & a hockey mask.

Shanty town

Quick ink sketch that I did for the horror game I worked on last year. The Shanty town surrounds a slaughterhouse...
I used SBP using a couple of thin to thick brushes. I referenced shanty towns and industrial buildings.

Body Boss

This guy was a concept I had for a horror game that I was working on.
The final boss was created out of all of the bodies of your victims coming together to form a giant.
A giant made out of dead bodies...

Burning man

This was a “Boss” idea for a horror game that I recently came up with.
Starting out as a gargantuan Wickerman the creature would stride across the landscape hunting the player.
As the player damaged him he would erupt in flame becoming even more ferocious before burning up and collapsing.

I found some great reference of burning wood & bonfires as well as Wickermen.
Shame the game sucked. Winking
