
King Conan

King Conan
This is one of the few paintings that I have done using “Painter”.
Painters got some nice features; but i tend to get caught up in too many options and overwork my stuff.
Way back when “BottleRocket” was in it’s infancy we were approached by WB to pitch for a “Conan” game.
This is one of the pieces that I did. We didn’t get the gig (it fell through at the last minute); but I at least had an excuse to paint.

After the Battle

Conan- post fight, steaming, and covered in blood. Happy

Pretty stoked on how well this piece came together. I started out with a full ink illustration (check it out in the illustration section) and then painted over it.
If you want to know how i painted it check out my
“process” section.

I used SBP and PS.